70+ Statistiche dei ristoranti da non perdere
Crediamo nel potere delle statistiche, dalla analisi dei dati all'utilizzo della ricerca per menu. Ogni giorno scaviamo sempre più a fondo nel mondo che ci circonda attraverso la lente delle operazioni di ristorazione. Per farlo, cerchiamo dati ricchi e attuali, in modo da rimanere il più possibile aggiornati. Le nostre ricerche ci hanno portato ad analizzare un numero sempre maggiore di statistiche sui ristoranti nel tentativo di comprendere al meglio i cambiamenti del settore, ed è per questo che tendiamo ad avere così tanti link nei nostri blog. Vogliamo che anche voi abbiate accesso alle nostre stesse ricerche, in modo da poter trarre le vostre conclusioni.
Cosa si può fare con queste informazioni? Esaminando le statistiche dei ristoranti in relazione ai dati demografici, si può capire meglio come soddisfare il proprio mercato. Con il settore della ristorazione che cerca di ricostruire il proprio team più grande e migliore che mai, potete imparare a rimanere competitivi in un mercato sempre più limitato. mercato sempre più limitato.
Statistiche generali sui ristoranti
- As of February 2021, there are 148,406 full-service, single-location restaurant operations in the U.S. [Source]
- The U.S. hosts 100,383 chain restaurant businesses as of April 2021. [Source]
- The UK boasts 35,770 full-service restaurants. [Source]
- U.S. diners are tipping an average of 15% as of May 2020, up from 11% in 2019. [Source]
- The NRA projects $228.8 billion in 2021 sales for full-service restaurants. [Source]
- The UK restaurant sector is expected to grow by 32.1%. [Source]
- Americans dine out between 4-5 times per week, as of 2020. [Source]
- 72% of Americans dine at quick-service restaurants for lunch. [Source]
Statistiche sull'occupazione
- The restaurant industry employs 12.5 million people in the U.S., which is 3.8% of the total population. [Source]
- As of May 2020, there were 11.26 million people employed by the U.S. restaurant industry. [Source]
- Prior to the pandemic, the U.S. restaurant industry experienced an annual turnover rate of 74.9%. [Source]
- In the U.S., only 5% of employees said they were unhappy with their role. [Source]
- 9 out of 10 restaurant managers started at entry-level. [Source]
- The average age of U.S. restaurant employees is 28.8. [Source]
- 30% of all restaurant employees reported a 9 out of 10 to describe their own job happiness. [Source]
- 62% of employees say they would leave their company over lack of training. [Source]
- The average cost of onboarding new U.S. restaurant employees is $5,864. [Source]
- 9 in 10 restaurants employ fewer than 50 people. [Source]
- 70% of restaurants are single-unit operations. [Source]
Retribuzione media
- The average base salary for a restaurant employee in the U.S. is $11.54 per hour. [Source]
- Restaurant workers in the UK earn an average of £25,161 annually. [Source]
- Canadian restaurant staff earns $20.46 on average per hour. [Source]
Servizio clienti Statistiche sui ristoranti
- On average 90% of people surveyed said they read restaurant reviews prior to going out. [Source]
- 77% of guests search out their restaurant’s menu first. [Source]
- 95% of guests report that good customer service is key to their brand loyalty. [Source]
- Customers are 63% prefer to order through your website than through a third party vendor. [Source]
- 70% of guests have reported they became discouraged from visiting a restaurant’s website. [Source]
- 35% of customers say they are only looking for restaurants with high review ratings. [Source]
- Even a one-star increase on Yelp can increase your profits by 2%. [Source]
- The most common complaint is food quality, with 19% of guests disappointed with their meal. [Source]
Programmi di fidelizzazione Statistiche sui ristoranti
- Over 90% of all companies have a customer loyalty program. [Source]
- In the U.S. there are 3.3 billion loyalty programs. [Source]
- Paytronix reports that loyalty programs increase guest visits by 20% and that those guests spend 20% more. [Source]
- A Paytronix survey showed that loyalty memberships along with geo-fencing increased restaurant sales by 50%. [Source]
- 72% of U.S. consumers say they are part of a loyalty program. [Source]
- 62% of Gen-Z are influenced by loyalty programs. [Source]
Statistiche sul marketing dei ristoranti
- 59.5% of the world’s population is online. [Source]
- 1.46 billion people around the world have smart devices. [Source]
- Google users perform 63,000 searches every second. [Source]
- Facebook and its sibling apps host 3.14 billion users. [Source]
- 20% of restaurants report that they still don’t have a website. [Source]
- 63% of guests prefer to order directly from the restaurant. [Source]
- 18% of guests would rather order through a third-party delivery service. [Source]
Statistiche tecniche dei ristoranti
- 91% of restaurateurs said they want to invest in kitchen automation in 2021. [Source]
- 56% of consumers have expressed concern with how their data is used. [Source]
- 88% of restaurants are reported as switching exclusively to contactless digital menus. [Source]
Statistiche fuori sede
- The U.S. was forecasted to net $26.5 billion in off-premise revenue in 2020. [Source]
- Off-premise delivery revenue is projected at $28b by 2023. [Source]
- The UK was expected to earn £8.5 billion in off-premise revenue in 2019. [Source]
- Off-premise dining accounts for 70.74 billion around the world. [Source]
- Millennials order 59% of off-premise orders. [Source]
- Americans order delivery or takeout at least once per week. [Source]
- Off-premise dining channels are forecast to grow to $470b annually by 2025. [Source]
- Percentage of restaurant guests who believe off-premise dining is important to their lifestyle [Source]:
- Tutti gli adulti: 53%
- Gen Z: 54%
- Gen X: 57%
- Millennials: 64%
- Baby Boomers: 43%
Statistiche sulle pandemie
- In the U.S. 110,000 restaurants have closed temporarily or permanently due to the pandemic. [Source]
- Prior to the pandemic, the restaurant industry was projected to earn $889 in 2020. [Source]
- The U.S. restaurant industry netted $659 billion, $240 shy of their projected goal. [Source]
- The pandemic drove 163% of restaurant job losses in the UK. [Source]
- From 2019 to April 25, 2021, the UK industry saw a decline in seated restaurants of 36.14%. [Source]
- The UK restaurant industry lost £80.8bn or around £9m every hour due to pandemic lockdowns. [Source]
- Percentage of restaurant guests who say that off-premise dining is essential during the pandemic more than before. [Source]
- Tutti gli adulti: 68%
- Gen Z: 62%
- Gen Z: 68%
- Millennials: 73%
- Baby Boomers: 67%
Pranzo post-Covida
- 55% of U.S. restaurant guests are eating at home, rather than on-premise. [Source]
- 59% of Americans feel comfortable going out to eat. [Source]
- Consumers are 68% more likely now to order off-premise than prior to the pandemic. [Source]
- eMarketer reports that in 2021, smartphone restaurant delivery app users will fall to 44.1 million as people return to restaurants. [Source]
- 33% of guests report that they will continue ordering off-premise dining post-pandemic. [Source]
- 44% of customers are tipping more than before. [Source]
Statistiche sulle vendite di alcolici
- Alcohol sales were 252.82m in the U.S. in 2019 [Source]
- The age group with the highest occasions of wine drinking in the U.S. is 21-34. [Source]
- The UK sold 255 pints of beer per second in 2019. [Source]
- Vodka is the most sold spirit in the U.S. [Source]
- Total alcoholic sales in the U.S. were 252.82m in 2019. [Source]
- An average night out in the UK costs £68.68 in 2019. [Source]
Statistiche sui ristoranti Conclusione
Ci auguriamo che qui abbiate trovato qualcosa che possa aiutarvi nel vostro percorso. In caso contrario, siamo qui per voi. Questo è un articolo vivo e vegeto che intendiamo rivisitare spesso perché conosciamo l'importanza dei dati sui ristoranti. Vogliamo che abbiate le migliori risorse per la vostra impresa, sia essa nuova o vecchia. Avete statistiche sui ristoranti che dovremmo aggiungere? Fatecelo sapere nei commenti qui sotto.
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