Idee di guerrilla marketing per i gestori di pub
Gestione degli ospiti, Blog QSR, Gestione dei ristoranti, Marketing dei ristoranti, Operatori della ristorazione, Segmenti della ristorazione, Regno Unito
There are many things to love about owning a pub. You can be your own boss, serve up some great food and drinks, and meet interesting people. But what might put a bit of damper on this adventure is the stiff competition. The food and drinks scene is a highly competitive one, and success is not a guarantee. There are only so many people eating out at any given time; your goal is to make them choose your business over all the other restaurants, bars, and pubs in the area. Good marketing helps you rise above the noise. Though they’re effective, taking out ad space costs money, and social media campaigns require time, so it might be time to try something new instead. Try these guerrilla marketing ideas for pub owners for some creative caffeine!
Che cos'è il Guerilla Marketing?
The term guerrilla marketing was first coined in the 1980s. It comes from the phrase guerrilla warfare — a type of fighting in which small and irregular groups use uncommon yet highly effective strategies based on the element of surprise, usually to fight a bigger and stronger enemy. Guerrilla marketing is similar but without any violence. When we’re talking about guerrilla marketing, we typically refer to creative marketing tactics that use surprise and shock to promote a business, often at low to no cost.Ottenere il massimo dalle idee di guerrilla marketing per i proprietari di pub
Guerrilla marketing requires planning just as much as any other type of marketing campaign. You cannot just walk out into the street and start talking about your business; Well, you could, but this will not yield much success. So instead, you’ll need to:- Definite gli obiettivi della vostra campagna.
- Determinate le metriche con cui misurerete il vostro successo.
- Allocate le risorse di conseguenza (non solo quelle finanziarie, ma anche il tempo e la forza lavoro che dovrete investire).
- Sviluppate un piano per la vostra campagna! (Il più importante!)
Idee di guerrilla marketing a basso o nullo costo per i gestori di pub
One of the significant benefits of guerrilla marketing is the low investment costs. This feature makes it suitable for small business owners. So even if you’ve just opened your pub, you can employ the following tactics:Strategie di agguato
Highly controversial but often highly effective, ambush marketing is a high-risk, high-reward game. The idea is to “ambush” somebody else’s event so that you don’t have to organize one yourself. It works especially well for pubs, bars, and restaurants because hardly anybody says no to free food and drinks, so you can bring your own dishes as a form of unasked-for catering and use that to promote yourself.Marketing esterno
If you’re offering food delivery, you might also turn it into a marketing tool, even just locally. Paint the car or bike you’re using and have your delivery drivers wear recognizable uniforms. They’ll serve as out-of-home advertisements while out doing work.Diventate una leggenda locale
If you want to be memorable, you need to stand out from the crowd; you must find your special something, a niche within your niche. For example, create a signature drink, use themed decor, become the most accessible place for food and drinks in the area, have unique staff uniforms, make an Instagrammable corner everyone will want to visit, or come up with your “quirk.” The point is to become famous for something unique.Idee creative di guerrilla marketing per i gestori di pub
Il guerrilla marketing offre possibilità quasi infinite di creatività. Se avete un'inclinazione artistica, potete dare sfogo alla vostra immaginazione.Arti e mestieri come strumento di marketing
Art is the perfect tool for guerrilla marketing because both aim to incite emotion. So consider using art to promote your business:- Dipingete un murale vicino al vostro edificio.
- Decorate la facciata del vostro pub in modo creativo.
- Fare arte di strada in città. (NOTA: Controllate le leggi e le ordinanze locali. Anche se con buone intenzioni, i "graffiti illegali" potrebbero non essere la notorietà che cercate).
Although they seem outdated, mascots can help the recognizability of your pub. Think about it: if you ever decide to relocate your pub and redesign the space entirely, you’ll still have a mascot that people associate with you even after transferring your pub to a new location. Of course, we don’t necessarily mean an anthropomorphic animal or cartoon, either. You’ve certainly seen bookstores with local cats or dogs as unofficial mascots going viral online (bodega cats is a good example), so it’s easy to see that mascots still work. And while you can’t use a pet as a mascot in the food industry, you can use fictional characters, dolls, toys, vehicles, a local celebrity who often drinks in your pub, or even a beloved staff member with community ties.Idee di guerrilla marketing esperienziale per i gestori di pub
Un ottimo modo per promuovere la vostra attività è quello di dare alle persone un assaggio di ciò che offrite. In questo caso, il "gusto" può essere letterale. Ma può anche essere un assaggio dell'atmosfera del vostro pub o dell'esperienza che offrite ai vostri clienti.Cucine pop-up
If you serve food or drinks, pop-up restaurants are always an effective way to promote your menu. Just pack the essential tools you’ll need for your simplest signature dish and drink, set up a tent with a few tables and chairs on the nearest square, and let people enjoy what you offer outdoors while on their way to work or while walking their dogs. Win them over with what you serve, and they’ll surely visit your pub too.Test del gusto e cibo gratis
In a similar vein, offering samples or free food will endear you to potential customers. These samples are especially effective if you’ve recently moved your establishment and are in a new neighborhood where you’re not yet a household name. Prepare some food or drinks that travel well and start handing them out on the street. If there are large office buildings or public gathering spots in the area, go there during lunch breaks and offer up food. You’ll surely gain a lot of customers with the gesture.Hangout digitali
Uno dei motivi per cui la gente ama i pub è la loro atmosfera: il cameratismo, l'atteggiamento rilassato, il personale cordiale e la musica dal vivo. Non è facile imbottigliare tutto questo e offrirne un assaggio. Ma i social media vi permettono di avvicinarvi. Pubblicate foto sulla vostra pagina Facebook o fate delle live stories su Instagram. Quando le persone vedranno che altri si divertono nel vostro pub, vorranno partecipare.I vantaggi delle idee di Guerrilla Marketing per i gestori di pub
Using guerrilla marketing ideas for pub owners can be very beneficial for your pub. First, guerrilla marketing is very effective, and you’ll see results fast. With a good campaign, you can easily attract dozens of customers the same day. Furthermore, guerilla marketing tactics make your pub stand out because not many pub owners are using them. They’re also just plain fun to engage in. Finally, guerrilla marketing is very affordable, so even small local pubs without much cash to invest in the promotion can reap its benefits. Volete offrire la consegna di alcolici nel vostro pub o ristorante e non sapete da dove cominciare? Leggete il nostro articolo qui sotto!Guida alla consegna di alcolici
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